Les Mills Body Pump 61 Guide

  1. Les Mills Pump Pdf
  2. Body Pump Les Mills Video
  3. Les Mills Body Pump 61 Guide Kit

What is the 21 Day Challenge?

The 21 Day Challenge is a safe and effective plan that will help you:

  • Reduce body fat and waist size
  • Reset your body’s food cravings
  • Establish healthy habits for the long-term

So many diets promise to be easy, you’re assured that “you won’t even notice you’re dieting”. With the 21 Day Challenge that’s not the case. It will take some work, and there will be times you wish you hadn’t signed up for it… but you’re worth the effort! The best thing is, it only takes three weeks. That’s less time than it took for that at-home fringe trim to grow out. But unlike the fringe, we promise you will not regret doing this. You’ll only regret not trying it sooner.

Les Mills Pump Pdf

We’ve put together all the info and support you need to get through this three-week challenge in the full 21 Day Challenge Guide.

We’ve also created a 21 Day Challenge Recipe Book that is packed full of easy ideas to get you started. Simply fill in your details to download our 21 Day Challenge Recipe Book and also receive regular health and fitness news, advice and offers from Les Mills straight to your inbox.

Please note, the 21 Day Challenge may not be suitable for everyone. We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician or other qualified health professional before starting out on this program to ensure that you do not have any medical conditions or dietary needs that make the challenge unsuitable for you.

Les Mills Body Pump 61 Guide


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Prior to commencing a purposeful change to your diet, you should first understand your regular eating routine by tracking everything you eat and drink for a week.

You can track your usual percentages of carbohydrates, proteins and fats with an online food diary, or check out our suggestions for some great food tracking apps in our 21 Day Challenge Guide.

We recommend that you follow the plan exactly as it is, especially the prescribed amounts of vegetables and water and eating at the regular intervals. And, if you can’t live without carbs, eat some; just make sure that they’re whole, unprocessed and nutrient rich.

We recommend you eat four meals a day.

What every meal should contain:

Protein – one palmful of animal protein, that includes; fish, chicken, turkey, duck, pork, beef, lamb, shellfish and eggs AND

Fat – a thumb size, focusing on getting in your essential fatty acids like; avocado, olive oil, walnuts and flaxseeds AND

Carbohydrates – one to two handfuls of low-starch carbs such as asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, leafy greens, raw carrots, onions, tomatoes and eggplant.

Body Pump Les Mills Video


Foods to avoid?

Dairy products, grains including oats, polenta, rice and couscous, wheat, fruit, legumes, starchy vegetables and soy apart from Tamari.

What to drink?

Take your body weight in kg and multiply by 0.033 liters of water per day, then add an extra glass for every hour of exercise. You can also drink herbal tea, black tea or black coffee (with no sweeteners).

If your meal is a protein shake we suggest you use only a simple, protein source and water. Women should have .01 ounces/.3 grams per kg of body weight. Men should have .02 ounces/.5 grams per kg of body weight.


Remember, this eating plan is difficult; you’ll have moments where you want to chew your arm off, and times when you’d consider mugging someone for their french fries. When you’re faced with these challenges be sure to use your common sense and manage the balance between exercising restraint and giving your body the nutrients it needs. There’s no doubt that this 21-day fix will be hard, but once you slide gracefully into your skinny jeans in three weeks’ time, we’re pretty sure that all the pain will be forgotten.

Les Mills Body Pump 61 Guide Kit

Les Mills Body Pump 61 Guide

A diet designed by experts

This reduced-carb diet has been developed by Dr Jackie Mills (B Phys Ed, MBCh B, Dip Obstetrics and Les Mills’ Chief Creative Officer) and Corey Baird. Jackie, who was originally an obstetrician and general medical practitioner, is a specialist in nutritional medicine, and has repeatedly seen the effects that great nutrition has on people’s health and vitality. Corey has a Diploma in Personal Training and is a certified CHEK Practitioner (Level 2), a certified CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach (Level 2) and a certified BioSignature modulation practitioner.

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